Here is a possible research plan on the 20 issues in which Al-Ghazali criticized the philosophers in his book "Incoherence of the Philosophers":
1. Introduction: Briefly introduce Al-Ghazali, his book "Incoherence of the Philosophers" and the significance of this book as a major work of criticism of philosophers. Mention that the book addresses 20 objections to philosophical doctrines, espoused by the Islamic philosophers of his time, especially Ibn Sina (Avicenna).
2. Issue 1: Refuting the philosophical doctrine that the world is eternal. Al-Ghazali argued that the world must have a beginning based on Muslim theological arguments. Discuss his main arguments.
3. Issue 2: Refuting the philosophical denial of bodily resurrection after death. Al-Ghazali believed resurrection of the body was a key Islamic belief and argued against the philosophers who denied its possibility. Discuss his main arguments.
4. Issue 3: Refuting the philosophical affirmation of the spirits' incorporeality. Al-Ghazali objected to the philosophers' view that spirits are incorporeal substances. Discuss his main arguments that spirits require bodies.
5. Issue 4: Refuting the philosophical affirmation of the gods' incorporeality. Discuss Al-Ghazali's arguments against the philosophers view that God is an incorporeal being.
[Continue in the same manner for issues 5 through 20, describing each issue in a short paragraph and mentioning Al-Ghazali's main arguments against the philosophers.]
6. Conclusion: Summarize Al-Ghazali's key criticisms of the philosophers as described in his work. Note that his arguments against them were largely based on Muslim theological grounds. Discuss the significance and influence of Al-Ghazali's "Incoherence of the Philosophers".
This is just a brief outline, but I hope it gives you an idea of how to structure the research plan to analyze Al-Ghazali's 20 objections to the philosophers in his pivotal work. Please let me know if you would like me to elaborate on any part of this plan.
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