# Introduction: al-Ghazali's Critique of the Philosophers and the Pursuit of Certainty

Throughout the history of Islamic thought, countless scholars have engaged in rigorous intellectual debates, shaping the rich tapestry of Islamic philosophy. Among these scholars, Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (1058-1111) stands out as a pivotal figure whose critiques of the philosophers sparked considerable controversy and laid the foundation for subsequent intellectual discourse. Al-Ghazali's groundbreaking work, *Tahāfut al-Falāsifa* (The Incoherence of the Philosophers), marks a turning point in the history of Islamic philosophy, as it challenges the very foundations of the philosophical ideas espoused by prominent thinkers such as al-Farabi and Avicenna (Ibn Sina).

In this paper, we aim to explore al-Ghazali's conflict with the philosophers, delving into the motivations behind his critiques and the key arguments presented in *Tahāfut al-Falāsifa*. Our analysis will be organized into three main sections: (1) the historical and intellectual context in which al-Ghazali's critiques emerged, (2) a detailed examination of his key arguments against the philosophers, and (3) the lasting impact of al-Ghazali's critiques on the development of Islamic philosophy.

Al-Ghazali's critiques were fueled by a deep concern for the preservation of the Islamic faith and its moral principles. He perceived the philosophers' attempts to reconcile philosophy and religion as a threat to the foundations of Islam, arguing that their ideas were incompatible with orthodox doctrine. This led al-Ghazali to embark on a critical examination of the philosophers' theories, ultimately exposing what he believed to be their internal contradictions and inconsistencies. His work not only challenged the prevailing intellectual currents of his time but also laid the groundwork for future scholars to engage with philosophy from a position of religious conviction.

By analyzing al-Ghazali's critiques of the philosophers, this paper aims to shed light on the intricate intellectual debates that shaped Islamic philosophy and highlight the enduring relevance of these debates in contemporary discussions on the relationship between faith and reason.


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