Title: The Source of Perception: Rationalism vs Empiricism **Introduction** The source of human perception has been a topic of debate among philosophers for centuries. Two primary opposing views on this subject are those of rationalist philosophers, who argue that the source of knowledge is reason, and empiricist philosophers, who believe that the source of knowledge comes from the senses. In this article, we will explore both of these opinions in detail and attempt to reconcile them. Ultimately, we will aim to determine which of these perspectives holds the greatest validity. **Body** **A) First Opinion: Rationalist Philosophers** - Postulates: The source of knowledge is reason - Philosophers: Berkeley, Descartes, Al-Ghazali, William James These philosophers argue that the mind is the source of knowledge, rather than the senses. They claim that the mind possesses innate ideas and that its judgments are characterized by intuitiveness, clarity, accuracy, and certainty. This perspec...
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44 00:03:11,020 --> 00:03:14,710 into several sections designed to better understand the results you are getting. 45 00:03:15,810 --> 00:03:21,000 In the first instance, it is possible to see the total number of publications launched in a period 46 00:03:21,000 --> 00:03:26,820 of seven to 28 days and the total number of reproductions or views that they achieved at that time. 47 00:03:27,760 --> 00:03:33,940 The posts are often shown from the oldest to the most recent, just below this first section is the 48 00:03:33,940 --> 00:03:39,610 trend section or trending, which reveals which videos have been popular in your account during that 49 00:03:39,610 --> 00:03:40,060 period. 50 00:03:40,750 --> 00:03:46,300 It is also possible to see the number of plays obtained within this section. 51 00:03:46,330 --> 00:03:48,560 Each of the videos has more data to show. 52 00:03:49,120 --> 00:03:52,770 This is one of the most useful features of Tic-Tac analytical dat...
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81 00:06:18,250 --> 00:06:25,120 It will be a formula that will guarantee you to gain followers remember that just as companies have 82 00:06:25,120 --> 00:06:28,680 a buyer, person and influencer must have a target audience. 83 00:06:29,620 --> 00:06:33,160 So the way to make ads must be in conjunction with the brand. 84 00:06:34,150 --> 00:06:40,150 For this reason, Instagram, which is continuously evolving, has provided its influencers with a new 85 00:06:40,150 --> 00:06:46,510 possibility for working with brands creating brand content, which means creating ads for influencers, 86 00:06:47,440 --> 00:06:50,180 branded content is an evolving ecosystem. 87 00:06:50,710 --> 00:06:56,110 So Instagram has been concerned with listening to the request it receives from brands and influencers 88 00:06:56,260 --> 00:06:58,810 about the constant creation of branded content. 89 00:06:59,530 --> 00:07:03,760 And influencer needs to know all the tools available to...